I decided I wanted to do another reading challenge in the new year. I haven't done horribly in reading over the past year, but I do think it's kind of fun to have categories from which you choose and within which other people are working. I decided on the 2019 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge from girlxoxo.com (found through a Google search) because the categories are interesting and quite flexible. It's been a lot of fun researching different books that fit the themes and deciding which ones I'd choose. I'm trying to keep with my goal from the last reading challenge I did by choosing all books written by women, possibly making an exception for books written by men of color if a female author for the category doesn't pop out at me. I don't really want to miss out on great books by white dudes, but they're usually easy to find. It can be harder to find stuff written by women and people of color.
At any rate, I'm excited to start this challenge. I've picked out all my books except for February ("Cover Love") and December ("Last Chance"). Based on the criteria, I won't really be able to pick December's until December gets here. For February, I want to visit a physical bookstore and see what catches my eye. Check out the link (click on the image below) and join me if you want! I'd love to hear what other people are reading and their thoughts on the challenge and their chosen books.