Tuesday, February 5, 2019

January 2019 Monthly Motif Reading Challenge: New to You Author

JANUARY – New to You Author
Read a book by an author whose writing you’ve never read before.
My choice: The Color Purple, by Alice Walker
TL;DR paragraph at the bottom

As someone who makes at least some effort to be familiar with African-American literature, I felt like I was remiss in not having read The Color Purple. It seems so iconic, having been made into a screenplay and a stage play; people have quoted it to me. I felt like I should have already read it. I admit, though, I felt a little disappointed when I discovered about a week before I started reading it that Alice Walker had recently been slammed for anti-Semitic remarks. It's so hard to get away from various prejudices, even among people who themselves have experienced prejudice.

Anyway,I was surprised by this book.